10 Inspiring Quotes from book:
"Into Thin Air"
by John Krakauer
1. Some people have big dreams, some people have small dreams. Whatever you have, the important thing is that you never stop dreaming.
2. Climbing Everest was primarily about enduring pain. And in subjecting ourselves to week after week of toil, tedium, and suffering, it struck me that most of us were probably seeking, above all else, something like a state of grace.
3. Climbing along the blade of the summit ridge, sucking gas into my ragged lungs, I enjoyed a strange, unwarrented sense of calm. The world beyond the rubber mask was stupendously vivid but seemed not quite real, as if a movie were being projected in slow motion across the front of my goggles.
4. Above 8,000 meters is not a place where people can afford morality.
5. No one intended harm for one another. No one wanted to die.
6. No amount of your analyzing, criticizing, judging, or hypothesizing will bring the peace you are looking for.
7. Had we lived, I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance, and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.
-Robert Falcon Scott
8. Perhaps after more time has passed I, too, will be able to recognize some greater good that's resulted from so much suffering, but right now I can't.
9. Remember the Titanic. Even the unsinkable sank.
10. We think that people pay us to make good decisions, but what people really pay for is to get to the top.
-Peter Lev, veteran American guide